World Renown Cosmetic Surgery & Vein Clinic

Is Eyelid Surgery Right for You?

What is Eyelid Surgery?
Eyelid surgery is also known as blepharoplasty and can significantly improve the appearance of the entire face. The procedure can be performed on the lower lids, upper lids, or both. Some individuals choose to get eyelid surgery to restore a youthful appearance, and there are some who decide to have the procedure to correct functional issues with the eyelids.

What Does the Procedure Treat?
Sagging and loose skin around the eyes can create folds and cause an uneven contour of the eyelid, which can impair vision and make an individual’s age more noticeable, but eyelid surgery can effectively correct these problems. The treatment is also ideal for those who have excessive fatty deposits that results in puffiness and bags under the eyes.

Who are Suitable Candidates for Eyelid Surgery?
Ideal candidates for eyelid surgery include those with no medical conditions that may slow healing, which includes those with serious eye problems. Furthermore, those who smoke may not be good candidates for the procedure. When an individual has eyelid surgery, he or she should have realistic expectations.

It is important to note that because the eyelids are part of the face, a droopy upper eyelid may be caused by excessive relaxation of the eyebrow and forehead skin, which can cause unwanted stretching in the area. This condition is known as eyelid ptosis and is typically treated with a different surgical procedure.

An experienced plastic surgeon can evaluate an indiviudal’s facial anatomy and will be able to determine which procedure is best for optimal results.

Eyelid Surgery Results: What to Expect
Eyelid surgery is a popular cosmetic procedure because the results are long-lasting. Although there is little pain during the surgery, bruising and swelling are normal following the procedure. Most of the swelling and bruising will be gone in a few weeks, but some individuals may take a few months to completely heal.

While most indiviudal will be pleased after the procedure, there are some who choose to have the procedure again to achieve even better results.

After the surgery, a plastic surgeon will provide patients with post-operative instructions that are crucial for the success of the procedure. Those who have the procedure should be sure the surgical incisions are not subjected to excessive motion, force, or abrasion during the healing process.

If you are thinking about having eyelid plastic surgery and need a consultation call us today at 480-686-8121

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