A Tummy Tuck is a very popular cosmetic surgery procedure performed to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen. Tummy Tucks are also known as abdominoplasty and the procedure is often performed in conjunction with liposuction. For some, a toned flat abdomen can often be achieved through diet and exercise. Unfortunately, for many individuals there are certain causes that make getting a flat abdomen impossible no matter how much one exercises or adheres to a good diet. Some of the most common causes include pregnancy, significant fluctuations in weight and aging. However the cause, loose and saggy abdomens can be corrected with a tummy tuck.
The best candidates for tummy tucks are healthy individuals at a stable weight that do NOT smoke. Women who are considering possible future pregnancies are advised to put off this type of surgery until they are no longer planning on giving birth. The outcome of a tummy tuck procedure is most often permanent but considerable weight gain or weight loss in some cases can greatly diminish the positive outcome. It is for this reason that individuals at a stable weight are the best candidates for tummy tucks. Exercise and a healthy diet are very beneficial following tummy tuck surgery to ensure long lasting results and of course all of the added benefits of good health. It is important for anyone considering a tummy tuck or any other cosmetic surgery procedure to have realistic expectations.
During your initial consultation with our doctors, you will be examined to see if you are a good candidate for tummy tuck surgery. Potential candidates are then given a very detail pre-operative examination to ensure the individual is in good health for this procedure.