World Renown Cosmetic Surgery & Vein Clinic

Thinking About Breast Reduction Surgery? Here’s What You Need to Know

Breast reduction surgeries have steadily increased in popularity over the last few years. Also known as reduction mammaplasty, this procedure is designed to decrease your overall breast size. If you’re unhappy with your breast shape and size, here’s what to consider before seeking this type of surgery.

Aesthetic Concerns
The goal of breast reduction surgery is to remove excess glandular tissue around the breasts to achieve a smaller size. Your surgeon will also remove excess fat and skin in order to create your desired appearance. Aside from a more proportionate appearance, you may consider getting breast reduction surgery to help your clothes fit better.

Medical Reasons
For some women, larger breasts can create more than an aesthetic problem. If your breasts aren’t proportionate with your body frame, you may be more likely to struggle with back and shoulder pain. You might also experience discomfort after exercising. Physical discomfort from your breast size is also known as macromastia. A breast reduction surgery could potentially help increase your quality of life in such cases.

Less Invasive Options
Traditional breast reduction surgery is performed via incisions around the breasts to remove fat, skin, and tissues. However, if your surgeon determines that excess skin isn’t a factor in achieving your desired results, they may suggest a reduction mammaplasty via liposuction (also called a lipoplasty breast reduction).

Our office is proud to offer this far less invasive option. Lipoplasty breast reduction involves the use of liposuction to remove fatty tissues only. Your surgeon will then sculpt the tissues without making any incisions. A lipoplasty breast reduction also doesn’t require general anesthesia.

Learn More
If you are unhappy with your breasts due to aesthetic or medical considerations, call our office to schedule a free consultation. The best surgical option for your breast reduction will be based on your current breast size and composition, as well as your medical history. One of our specialists will go over all of your options with you to determine the best procedure suited to your desired outcomes.

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