World Renown Cosmetic Surgery & Vein Clinic

Everything You Need to Know About Getting a Nose Job or Rhinoplasty

Very few people are born with a “perfect” nose. Many feel like their nose is too big, too small, too crooked, or too bumpy. If this is you, don’t worry: rhinoplasty can enhance your facial balance, giving it a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. It can also be used to correct congenital defects and trauma-related breathing impairments (think deviated septum), as well as to restore function.

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, sometimes called a “nose job” or “nose reshaping,” is a surgical procedure that enhances the appearance of the nose and helps to balance facial features. With rhinoplasty, the surgeon can adjust nose size, including the width of the bridge, change the size and position of the nostrils, remove visible bumps on the bridge of the nose, and reshape the tip.

Who is a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty?

To be considered a candidate for rhinoplasty, your facial growth should be complete, and you should be physically healthy. It’s also preferable for you to be a non-smoker. As with all cosmetic procedures, it is important that you have realistic expectations regarding possible outcomes.

What are the Steps Involved in Rhinoplasty?

The following steps are included in this procedure:

  • Anesthesia (either intravenous sedation or general anesthesia).
  • Incision: In a closed procedure, the incisions will be hidden inside the nose; in an open procedure, the incision will be across the narrow strip of tissue separating the nostrils (columella).
  • Reshaping (and correction of breathing impairments and structural defects, such as a deviated septum).
  • Closing the incision.


Splints and gauze will support the nose for a few days as it heals, and bandages will be applied to keep the splints and gauze in place. You will be instructed on how to care for the surgical site, what medications to take, things to look for at the incision site, and when to follow up with your surgeon. Keep in mind that, while the swelling will subside after a couple of weeks, but some swelling may come and go for several months after the procedure, being worse in the morning.


While you will see immediate differences once the post-surgical swelling subsides, it can take up to a year for the new contours of your nose to become fully refined. Over this time, you will notice gradual changes in the shape and appearance of your nose as these changes become more permanent. And, while aging accounts for some facial changes, the results of your rhinoplasty will be relatively permanent.

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