World Renown Cosmetic Surgery & Vein Clinic

Non-surgical Nose Job: Injectable Rhinoplasty is on the Rise

In the past, an individual who wanted to change the shape of his or her nose would have to undergo surgical rhinoplasty. However, the popularity of injectable soft tissue fillers has sparked an off-label method for transforming unshapely noses. When a surgeon performs a non-surgical rhinoplasty, he or she uses the same soft tissue filler products that are used in the lips and cheeks, which is hyaluronic acid. This new method gives patients the opportunity to correct any problems they have with their noses in minutes, and the procedure is usually performed in the doctor’s office. The results of the procedure are so impressive that it earned the nickname “lunchtime nose job.”

How is the Procedure Performed?

Before the patient has the procedure, the doctor will administer a small amount of local anesthesia to the injection site. Local anesthesia may feel a bit uncomfortable, but it is beneficial as it will make the injection painless. When the anesthesia takes effect, the soft tissue filler will be injected into specific areas of the nose. In most cases, Juvederm or Restylane is the filler that is used to provide an improved shape and contour to the nose. The doctor may place support tape on the nose for the first 24 hours to provide additional support.

After the procedure, slight swelling and bruising may occur but should be gone within a few days. Immediately after the procedure the patient’s nose will look more attractive, but there will be slight swelling, so the true shape of the nose will surface when swelling resides. Most of the patients who have a non-surgical nose job can return to work the day following the procedure. If a patient experiences slight bruising, then makeup may be worn the day after the treatment.

What Can a Non-surgical Nose Job Correct?

A non-surgical nose job can treat a wide range of issues, which include:

  • Pinched tips
  • Wide nostrils
  • Bumps on the bridge
  • Retracted columella
  • Bulbous tips
  • Hanging columella

Who are Appropriate Candidates for a Non-surgical Rhinoplasty?

A non-surgical nose job is perfect for an individual who wants to change the shape or contour of his or her nose temporarily. Because soft tissue fillers are not permanent, the results will begin to wear off after 8-12 months. If an individual likes the results of the non-surgical nose job, then he or she may have the procedure repeated, or the patient may choose to have a permanent surgical rhinoplasty.

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