World Renown Cosmetic Surgery & Vein Clinic

Deciding If Liposuction is for You

Whether or not to have a surgical procedure to better aesthetic appeal of the body is a personal decision. However, knowing what factors to take into account when you’re debating liposuction can help guide you toward the right choice. Our Liposuction Services are available at our Scottsdale Location now so call for a free Liposuction Consultation to get your answers in person as well.

Your Health
Discussing your health with a doctor is imperative before you procure this procedure. Remain upfront and honest about any medical conditions or concerns that you have. Certain issues could preclude you from having a safe surgery, and you can discover that through this consultation. On the other hand, you may learn that you are the perfect candidate for liposuction.

Amount of Weight
You should also speak with the doctor about the amount of weight that you are hoping to lose. For example, if you are morbidly obese, then liposuction might not be the best treatment plan for you. The doctor may recommend another option first. You may also learn that the amount of weight that you want to learn is the right fit for liposuction. When you are assessing your goal weight, you should also speak with a medical professional to learn what is healthy.

Past Surgeries
Reactions that you’ve had to past surgeries can also govern whether or not you should pursue liposuction. Maybe you have had negative reactions to certain procedures or medications used in the past, so your doctor will know to avoid them. Reviewing your past history with surgeries the doctor can also show that you are an ideal candidate for this procedure.

Recovery Possibility
After any procedure, you generally need to have a period of recovery time. You can discuss how long the recovery usually is for liposuction with your doctor to see if the time period fits in with your overall schedule. For example, if you have children and do not have any one to watch them while you recover, you may have to opt for this procedure at another time.

Discussing the price is another step you should take during early consultations with the doctor. Your insurance plan might cover the procedure. Whether it does or not will depend upon the insurance itself and, in many cases, the reason why you are having the surgery. Procedures that are medical necessities are often more likely to be covered than ones that are purely aesthetic.

Considering these factors can help you to make the right decision, and you should review all of them with our plastic surgeons in Scottsdale.

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