World Renown Cosmetic Surgery & Vein Clinic

4 Key Things To Know About Breast Lifts

Causes of Breast Sagging

Breasts have a tendency to sag over time. The natural aging process, pregnancy and weight loss are some of the things that can cause the breasts to sag. That is why many people opt to get a breast a lift.

What is a Breast Lift?

A breast lift is a procedure that involves raising the breast and tightening the surrounding tissue. Excess skin may also be removed. This procedure does not increase the size of the breast. However, many people get a breast lift along with a breast augmentation.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Breast Lift?

You must be in good health in order to get this procedure. You must also be at a healthy body weight. You must be at least 18-years-old. The breasts grow up until the age of 18, so this procedure is not recommended for women who are under 18. Additionally, you should not plan on breastfeeding in the future if you want to get a breast lift.

Benefits of Getting a Breast Lift

A breast lift can give you a more youthful looking body. It can also restore your confidence. Additionally, you may have an easier time fitting into your clothes after you get a breast lift.

Risks of getting a Breast Lift

A breast lift is very safe procedure. Most people who get this procedure will not have any problems with it. However, it is important to note that there is no such thing as a completely risk-free procedure.

Some of the possible side effects of a breast lift is bleeding, infection, anesthesia reactions and keloids. In rare cases, people have to get a second procedure in order to correct the problems caused by the first procedure. A qualified plastic surgeon will do everything that they can to minimize the risk of side effects.

If you are thinking about getting a breast lift and are in the Scottsdale, Phoenix, or Chandler, AZ area call our Plastic Surgeons office at 480-686-8121

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