World Renown Cosmetic Surgery & Vein Clinic

Considering a breast reduction? Here are things you should know!

Women with larger breasts experience a range of discomforts including but not limited to back, shoulder and neck pain; skin rashes or unsightly shoulder grooves from their bra wearing. Disproportionate breasts or poor body image are commonly cited reasons for electing the breast reduction procedure. Additionally, these women find exercising most difficult due to the extra bulk and weight of larger breasts. Limiting physical activity has a negative impact on overall health outcomes.

When considering a breast reduction, there are pros and cons. The pros are easy to identify. Clients who have undergone breast reduction procedures, cite an immediate benefit of increased comfort and self-esteem. The realization of a positive body image and the elimination of the additional bulk and weight causation of skin irritation and musculoskeletal pain contributes directly to one’s increased quality of life. Included in this procedure is the breast lift and realignment of the nipples for optimal aesthetics. Our clients report high satisfaction rates with this service.

The cons to electing breast reduction surgery is the time investment for surgery and recovery and the cost. This is usually an outpatient procedure lasting only a few hours. Clients require recovery time of a few days but will be limited from rigorous activity for approximately a month. If our surgeon determines that a less invasive procedure can achieve the desired results, then a less invasive procedure, called a lipoplasty breast reduction, may be elected. This procedure involves the use of liposuction to remove the breast tissue.

Our surgeon and office team will assist you with assessing the out-of-pocket costs and insurance benefits for your elected procedure. Most insurance companies cover this type of procedure if it is indicated as medically necessary. As with any insurance coverage, there may be out-of-pocket costs. Please refer to your specific insurance plan for details and to initiate pre-approval processes, where required.

Contact our office today for your consultation!

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