World Renown Cosmetic Surgery & Vein Clinic

Tummy Tuck 101: Everything You Need to Know About Getting a Tummy Tuck

These days, many people find themselves unsatisfied with the appearance of their stomach. If this is the case for you, now is the time to consider the value of obtaining a tummy tuck. Read on to gain key information about tummy tucks so that you can determine whether this cosmetic procedure would be appropriate and ideal for you:

What Is Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Tummy tuck surgery is a procedure that involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the body. The procedure is also referred to as abdominoplasty. In the majority of cases, the surgery will restore separated or weakened muscles to create a smoother, firmer abdominal profile.

Why The Tummy Tuck?

It’s safe to say that most people want to attain and maintain a flat, well-toned abdomen. However, many people cannot obtain this type of appearance through diet and exercise alone. This is why the tummy tuck can be an advantageous procedure for many people. Note that there are multiple factors that could cause an individual to have a protruding abdomen. Some of them include:

• heredity
• aging
• prior surgery
• pregnancy
• significant weight fluctuation

Tummy Tuck Costs

The average tummy tuck costs about $5,798. There are several factors that contribute to the cost. Some of them include:

• hospital or surgical facility costs
• anesthesia fees
• post-surgery garments
• medical tests
• surgeon’s fee
• prescriptions for medication

Is The Tummy Tuck Right For You?

There are several factors which can help you determine whether you are a good candidate for the tummy tuck procedure. The ideal candidates:

• are physically healthy with a stable weight
• understand what the procedure involves and have realistic expectations about it
• are nonsmokers
• experience substantive discomfort or other negative emotions regarding their abdomen

Contact Us Now

If you’re currently dissatisfied with the appearance of your tummy and want to attain professional assistance, we’re here to help. Our licensed, experienced cosmetic surgeons will provide you with the customized, cutting edge services necessary to optimize your aesthetic appeal and restore your self-confidence. Contact us immediately to schedule your consultation!

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