World Renown Cosmetic Surgery & Vein Clinic

Chin Countering: A Subtle Sign of Beauty and Attractiveness

Being happy with your appearance can be difficult at times, and opting to improve yourself with chin countering might be just what you need to boost your confidence. Some people might not think reconstructing your chin is too important, but it matters for a few reasons.

The Masculine Issue

The reason someone might find a woman’s chin unattractive is because it has masculine features. This can happen if a woman has a square-like face, but it can happen with others face shapes as well. The problem is the chin might look a little too wide or square-like. These features look great on a man, as it implies masculinity and strength, but they can make a woman seem less feminine, which could be unattractive to some.

Sign of Unhealthiness

It might sound strange to hear, but people who are looking for mates unconsciously look for women with feminine chins. This is an innate attraction passed down through generations. A small, v-shaped chin is associated with high levels of estrogen. High levels of estrogen also signify youthfulness and vitality. This means that a mate with a small chin, along with other high estrogen signs, will seem attractive.

Double Chin Issues

Another obvious issue that needs to be corrected is the double chin. This problem is not necessarily associated with evolutionary attractiveness, but it does signify that something may be wrong with your health. The double chin phenomena is associated with those who are overweight. The issue only gets worse when it is not treated, because the chin could get larger. This excess skin drags the entire face down due to gravity, which could cause premature wrinkles under the chin and the cheeks.

Redesigning the Chin

Most people assume that redesigning a chin is about reshaping the cheeks, but this is not the case. Reshaping the chin might have a negative effect on chewing abilities, among other issues. Chin reshaping starts with an analysis of the shape and an x-ray to see how much bone reduction is possible. Of course, you will be under anesthesia when the specialist enters intra-orally. The specialist will then use tools like a surgical drill and a micro-saw to remove just enough bone to help you achieve that beautiful v-shaped chin.

Of course, it is okay to have more questions, and your chin contour specialist should be able to answer any of them before you undergo this rewarding procedure.

If you are looking for a free consultation on reshaping your Chin or having Chin Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in Phoenix, Scottsdale, or Chandler call us at 480-686-8121

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