World Renown Cosmetic Surgery & Vein Clinic

What You Should Know Before Getting Liposuction

If you’re considering plastic surgery, you’ve probably heard of liposuction. While this procedure is not effective for those who have severe obesity or are overweight, it is one of the most popular procedures performed in the United States, Arizona, Phoenix and Scottsdale. While it’s possible to lose weight after undergoing this procedure, it will not affect your weight for months or years. As the number of people who undergo liposuction rises, so do the costs.


Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery designed to remove stubborn fat from your body. This procedure will also help you achieve a more refined body contour, making it perfect for people who wish to improve the look of their midsections. The procedure involves the creation of small incisions near the treatment area and inserting a thin tube through these incisions. The tube will then loosen fat deposits under the skin. The suction on one end of the tube will allow the doctor to remove excess fat.


During liposuction, the patient is sedated for about one to two hours. This may include anesthesia. It is very important to refrain from smoking for at least two months before the procedure. Nicotine interferes with blood circulation and results in the loss of tissue. Patients may return to work or school within two to four weeks, but they must wait at least two days after the procedure before soaking the wound. Some patients may experience dizziness or numbness after the procedure.


Depending on the type of liposuction procedure that was performed, recovery can vary significantly. You may need to take pain medication to reduce the discomfort. After surgery, you should avoid vigorous exercise, although light activity can speed up the healing process. A lymphatic massage will help release pent-up toxins in your lymph nodes, minimizing your recovery time. Lymphatic massage is also helpful in preventing infection and improving your immunity. You may want to try aromatherapy, which is believed to improve your mood.


The Cost of Liposuction can vary greatly from surgeon to surgeon, so it is important to ask your doctor for a quote before the procedure. Your surgeon should provide you with a quote that includes the cost of anesthesia and the operating room fee. While most surgeons have their own operating suites, some charge additional fees for the use of a hospital. The cost of a hospital procedure may vary by hundreds of dollars. Some surgeons also provide an itemized list of costs, which may include the costs of anesthesia, compression garments, antibiotics, and other surgical supplies.

Side effects

Surgical side effects of liposuction can be a cause for concern. Some procedures result in permanent nerve damage and wavy or bumpy skin. In rare cases, this condition can be life-threatening. Another serious side effect of liposuction is lidocaine toxicity, which can lead to heart problems, pulmonary edema, and a loss of feeling in the treated area.


The diameter of the cannula used in liposuction is crucial for obtaining maximum ejection flow. The smaller the cannula, the lower the maximum ejection flow. Figure 7 illustrates grafted fat tissue in vivo. A standard 2.5 mm cannula has a diameter of 2.2 mm and a surface area of 0.4 mm.


There are a variety of complications of liposuction, some of which are very serious. These infections may leave permanent scars on the face. Liposuction infections include mycobacterial infections, cellulitis, and staphylococcal abscesses. The procedure itself may require antibiotics or surgical interventions to correct the infection. However, if the infection is caught early, it may be curable. For this reason, patients should discuss their risk factors for infection before undergoing liposuction.

If you need a consultation on getting Liposuction in the Phoenix, AZ area including Chandler, Paradise Valley and Scottsdale schedule today.

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