World Renown Cosmetic Surgery & Vein Clinic

What is Laser Resurfacing?

Laser resurfacing is a professional treatment meant to target skin irregularities and unsightly wrinkles. The procedure is also used to reduce or eliminate acne and any of the subsequent scarring that comes with it.

The laser resurfacing technique takes a spectrum of colors and selects the most potent ones which can provide the desired result. Concentrated beams of short light are laser-focused (both literally and metaphorically) at irregularities before pulsation is used to ablate the skin. Sometimes the procedure is called “lasabrasion” as a result.

Who’s a Good Candidate and Who Isn’t?

Anyone who suffers from fine wrinkles around the mouth or eyes, has mild groves along the forehead, is non-responsive to a facelift, or has acne and acne scars are all ideal candidates.

There is however a risk if you have deep, cystic acne or a dark skin tone.

Cystic acne lies deep below the surface of the skin and causes painful, blood-filled bumps that are usually red in color and can often lack any “white head” appearance. The lasers might not be able to address the bacteria or puss in these, and they might even trigger a bit more painful responses.

Individuals with dark skin are at risk of mild skin blistering because of how the light works. Due to the melanin, the light of the laser is difficult to focus and might disperse across the facial area, leaving heat blisters which can be painful. There are some lasers and advanced procedures which can mitigate this risk, but it exists nonetheless.

What Should I Expect from the Treatment?

Expect to have mild to moderate reddening of the skin after laser resurfacing as well as being sensitive to the touch. Frequently gels or other cooling agents will be provided both during and after the procedure in order to minimize any pain.

Once the skin heals and your normal color returns, you’ll notice the fine lines and divots from scars are reduced. Each procedure will reduce skin irregularities more; sometimes a stronger laser session can also be done in order to reduce the number of clinical visits needed, though this is a case-by-base subject.

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