World Renown Cosmetic Surgery & Vein Clinic

4 Different Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite

Skin is complicated. It’s a source of pride when it looks good, but it’s a source of embarrassment when it doesn’t. One of the most common aesthetic skin concern is cellulite. Despite what many people think, cellulite is not excess fat. Instead, it’s a condition that happens when fat deposits make their way through connective tissues under the skin’s surface. This gives skin the dimpled and uneven look that makes cellulite so unpopular. Fortunately, you don’t have to live with it! A variety of options are available to help get rid of this unattractive problem.

1. Venus Freeze

Luckily, times have changed since plastic surgery began. Today, there are a variety of non-surgical procedures with minimal downtime to remove liposuction. One is Venus Freeze. Venus Freeze is a skin-tightening, cellulite-reducing technology that uses radio frequency to improve skin’s texture. It is fast, quick, and painless, and it can even be performed during a lunch break.

2. Laser Treatments

Using a small probe, your doctor will make a small incision in your skin to heat subcutaneous tissues (tissues that are under the skin). This promotes collagen production, minimizes layers of fat below the skin, and improves skin’s overall elasticity and texture to create a smoother and more youthful appearance. Downtime is minimal, with an expected recovery time of 1-2 days.

3. Ultrasound Cavitation

Ultrasound cavitation is another non-surgical procedure designed to remove cellulite. This technique uses ultrasound waves to detect and destroy fat cells. Ultrasound targets smaller areas of cellulite. This makes it ideal for people who have minimal amounts of cellulite or stubborn pockets that can’t be eliminated through diet and exercise alone. Since this type of liposuction removal is best for a smaller area, it’s not recommended for patients who are obese or overweight and need extensive amounts of cellulite removed.

4. Liposuction

Liposuction, or “lipoplasty,” is the standard treatment for body contouring and sculpting. Liposuction works by sucking fat away from various parts of the body to create a more aesthetically pleasing shape. What people don’t always realize is that liposuction does not actually get rid of cellulite. Instead, it eliminates the fat that causes unsightly bulges in the skin. For the most effective treatment, liposuction is generally combined with another treatment method, such as ultrasound or laser. . In the end, you’ll get a more sculpted look and get rid of bothersome cellulite.

There are many cellulite-elimination options out there, and some will be better choices for you than others. To find the one that works for you, talk to a skilled plastic surgeon. He or she will take your physical issues and desired outcome into consideration and find a solution that works.

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